Solvang, California Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


Helpful resources for Solvang, California include the following.

Residential Building Code

California adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control; however, local governments are free to make laws more strict (with some limitations).See PLRB, California Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Solvang adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

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2019 California Residential Code (2018 IRC)(Solvang, CA 10-1-1: ADOPTION OF CONSTRUCTION CODES:)

...2) published by the International Code Council, b) the 2016 edition of the California Residential Code published by the International Code Council, c)...

2022 California Residential Code (2021 IRC)(Solvang, CA § 15.04.010 ADOPTION OF CONSTRUCTION CODES.)

...(A) The following parts of Title 24, California Code of Regulations are adopted by reference as construction codes for the Town of Fairfax, subject to the modifications included later in this Chapter 15.04 : (1) 2022 edition of the California Administrative Code (Title 24 Part 1); (2) 2022 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24 Part 2) based upon the 2021 International Building Code (IBC), including: (a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 113; (b) Appendix Chapter A, Employee Qualifications; (c) Appendix Chapter G, Flood-Resistant Construction; (d) Appendix Chapter H, Signs; (e) Appendix Chapter I, Patio Covers; and (f) Appendix Chapter J, Grading. (3) 2022 edition of the California Residential Code (Title 24 Part 2.5) based on the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) including: (a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 112; (b) Appendix Chapter V Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs,; (c) Appendix Chapter H Patio Covers; and (d) Appendix Chapter J Existing Buildings and Structures. (4) 2022 edition of the California Electrical Code (Title 24 Part 3) based upon the 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC), including: (a) Article 89, but not Section 89.108.8. (5) 2022 edition of the California Mechanical Code (Title 24 Part 4) based upon the 2021 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), including: (a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 107.0, 107.1, 107.2. (6) 2022 edition of the California Plumbing Code (Title 24 Part 5) based upon the 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), including: (a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 107.0 or 107.1, 107.2. (7) 2022 edition of the California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6); (8) 2022 edition of the California Historical Building Code (Title 24 Part 8); (9) 2022 edition of the California Existing Building Code (Title 24 Part 10) based upon the 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) including: (a) Appendix Chapter A1 Seismic Strengthening Provisions For Unreinforced Masonry Bearing wall Buildings; (b) Appendix Chapter A3 Prescriptive Provisions For Seismic Strengthening Of Cripple Walls And Sill Plate Anchorage Of Light, Wood-Framed Residential Buildings; and (c) Appendix Chapter A4 Earthquake Risk Reduction In Wood-Frame Residential Buildings With Soft, Weak Or Open Front Walls. (10) 2022 edition of the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) (Title 24 Part 11), including: (a) Appendix A4 and Appendix A5 Tier 1 measures, but excluding Appendix A4.2 and A5.2 (Energy Efficiency)....

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: Undetermined

Ice Barrier

Commercial Building Code

Solvang adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

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2019 California Bldg. Code, Part 2 (2018 IBC)(Solvang, CA Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...

2019 California Bldg. Code, Part 2 (2018 IBC)(Solvang, CA 10-1-3: REFERENCED CODES AND STANDARDS:)

...adopted in section 10-1-1 of this chapter, the following shall apply:A. International Building Code shall mean California Building Code or the Cali...